The Object of the Verb, MFA thesis exhibition at Alternator Centre Member's Gallery, 2013
The Object of the Verb, MFA thesis exhibition at Alternator Centre Member's Gallery, 2013

My thesis project investigated language in three parts. Here Proxemics, meaning communicated by physical proximity, an installation of oil-based screenprints on mylar


Oil-based screen prints on velum, hanging to allow viewers to walk between and engage differing views, 2013

Proxemics closeup.jpg
Morphology / Lección
Morphology / Lección

A Series of UV Screenprints on white-out covered text-book pages, 2013. Part of this series appeared in the Capilano Review web folio 9


Interactive puzzle. UV Screenprints on a grid of 1'x1' wood panels, 2013

Syntax, rearranged
Syntax, rearranged
The Object of the Verb, MFA thesis exhibition at Alternator Centre Member's Gallery, 2013
Proxemics closeup.jpg
Morphology / Lección
Syntax, rearranged
The Object of the Verb, MFA thesis exhibition at Alternator Centre Member's Gallery, 2013

My thesis project investigated language in three parts. Here Proxemics, meaning communicated by physical proximity, an installation of oil-based screenprints on mylar


Oil-based screen prints on velum, hanging to allow viewers to walk between and engage differing views, 2013

Morphology / Lección

A Series of UV Screenprints on white-out covered text-book pages, 2013. Part of this series appeared in the Capilano Review web folio 9


Interactive puzzle. UV Screenprints on a grid of 1'x1' wood panels, 2013

Syntax, rearranged
show thumbnails